It's the *lost count* 8th week now. I am soooo going to miss my housemate. Yesterday she ta pao me a small packet of tong yuen in soy milk.

I wonder when I can have my glutilicious dessert again...haih...Housemate told me the stall opens at night in Perak Road. I...must...get...there...soon...
Happy rolling~
The tong yuen stall has move to a new place...
New Lane Cafe (Opposite Sunway Hotel)
40 New Lane, Penang.
Business Hour:
7pm - 11pm (Closed on Mondays)
Also available at:
Friday Pasar Malam
Jalan Van Praagh (Off Jalan Perak),
perak road? which shop? the road is long, with lots of coffee shops, but somehow the jam and the narrow road forced us to drive through without a chance to stop and look around.
near the perak road market. There is a traffic light there and a newly built building.
The soya bean is should also try the red bean soup version with the same tang yuen. Made a review of this place :
Happy rolling
I love my tong yuen in tau foo far... available at the SS2 night market every Monday. Near Wai Sek Kai. :)
ck lam:
wooo that combo I also like. Everytime a weddding dinner serves that I will wallop about 3 bowls :)
Redbean soup is great too! Thanx for leading me to your review ya.
SS2 so far away :( wonder when I would have the time to venture ss2 for food. I have yet to take KTM to Seremban for the beef noodle (at the market wan)!
this looks incredible delicious, I will want one packet too!
big boys oven:
hmmm sounds like hulk...incredible and its green XD lol
1 packet sure not enough wan...
Yumzz...never tried this combo before but thanks to Kenny, now i know where to find.
precious pea:
yupz yupz...should try...
I love tong yuen, had tong yuen at Charms...two biji in soya milk for RM3.90!!!
O.o omg 2 biji oni the tong yuen had gold flakes izzit? XD