Recently I have been ordering nutmeg juice from a juice vendor at Gurney Plaza. I got hooked on the drink during a food fair done by Durianberry's church (izzit?) Nutmeg from Penang and no other place but Penang. RM3.80 per cup...Expensive I would say cuz I can get 5 nutmeg for RM1 XDSaw a bunch of these in the market opp. my flat. Wahahaha fresh. With RM4 I can get 20 biji : P compare to the mall fruit juice vendor, she only uses 2 for each cup.
Halve it and you get this. The fruit is hard so becareful when cutting it. Discard the seed. Erm actually, if you want, the seed can be sundried and blend into powder. That's where nutmeg powder comes from. Can use the powder in cooking seafood curry. Yummz...
Cut the fruit into cubes and blend it with some water. After that sieve the paste for juice and discard the pulps.
After sieving, you get this glass of juice. Unique flavour, a tiny bit "siap siap" (rubbery taste) and sour. Erm...very sour >,<
This is where the assam powder kicks in ;)
RM1 per packet. Initially I forgot to get this but luckily I live in Penang, its easily available in fruit stalls . In my case, I got it from rojak stall. RM1 for a huge packet. This is assam powder premixed with fine caster sugar.

Why I call it mocktail? lolz...
Happy sipping~
This drink sounds wonderful! I have yet to try nutmeg juice. Now I'm thirsty! haha.
Lyrical lemongrass: hahaha there are whole lot of other juices you can juice and add assam boey. Should try lemongrass+assam...sounds equally interesting?teehehehe
sound very sour to me till my tooth... aiks... sakit...
kenny: hahaha won't be that sour la...add in assam powder mah sweet d lo XD
i have not tried fresh nutmeg before? Is the taste anywhere near those picked nutmeg???
aiks tot i reply ady....aiyahhh sori sori. They taste milder than the pickled ones and sour and has a bit rubbery taste. But with assam powder (with sugar one) it becomes my favourite drink.
I shall try on this nutmeg cocktail in same day...
anyone interested on dark nutmeg syrup and white nutmeg drink base?
kindly find out in
I do sell pure nutmeg juice in bottle, only add rock sugar.
No adding of water and other preservatives in the process.
Selling two bottle in a box for RM48. (750ml per bottle).
Suitable to drink for the whole family or as an ideal gifts to friends.
For more info you can email me at