10 weeks and finally my internship stint ended. I greatly enjoy the time spent on assembling mini car model, making paper robots, crashing Sg.Dua McD outlet and the list goes on...I thought it would be another normal afternoon in the office, but it all changed when 'it' made its entrance.

Oh yes....oh so stinky...Durian cheesecake is finally here! Now I can add this to my Durian Extra-o-dinaire Dessert list.

Ain't it pretty? All so creamy and rich. If you see closely, this cheese cake is fibrous. Yupz...Durian fibre. The cookie crumb base is great! Its crunchy and dry. Not like the usual cheesecake base that are wet and soggy.

Funny thing I realise is the durian cheesecake was not
jelak at all.

The cake cost RM30 and sufficient to feed all 4 of us :) Thanks ! *burp*
Happy burping~
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Ooo... durian cheesecake la! Mana ada stinky! :P
haha u wouldn't believe how the office smelt after we finish the cheesecake :S
Wow...get free dessert. The durian cheese cake sure looks delicious. Where can this wai saik woman get hold of this yummy cake?
ck lam:
I heard that my boss had to tempah from her fren in advance 2 days and the cake is only available during durian seasons and she only uses D24s.
So nice of your boss. If we ever eat durian in office (boss is mat salleh) sure kena warning letter. Hehe!
precious pea:
wahahaha...my boss and his wife loves durian, so boleh lah ;)
i just ate durians :P now come here see durian cheesecake pula lol. the texture looks so goooood o_O
So cheap ah, RM30 only?
yalor, Rm30 only???? With such yummy looking + fibrous durian cheesecake...gosh, I'm really craving for it now.
yeah yeah its great...crispy cookie base and creamy durian with cheese...perfecto...
RM30 cheap? how much is FBB's choc durian?
i dunno leh...my boss told me RM30. Yeah yummylicious...it has the right balance between cheese and durian...i wonder how the baker came up with this genius idea eh?
fix ur craving with durian pancake. Quite ada omph also...
Wah so cozy kat office.. shorts and t-shirt! Kekeke!
:D~~~ durian cake~~~
Ooh I love those papercraft thingy. But my printer can't print nice nice. I go here usually
Instead of cube, there are users submitting anime chars and I even downloaded an evangelion once
oooh anime? the cubeecraft got la iron man and indiana jones. Hahaha yeah only last day wore shorts cuz i malas wanna shave my legs XD wahahahaha
so many ppl interested in durian cheese cake eh...
Hi JM,
Haven't seen and heard from you since your internship ended. You must be busy whacking your Tao buffet.;-) Glad you enjoyed the durian cheesecake. We did a quick trip to Langkawi for 2 new projects and we're going off to S'wak for a week. Like I said, do stop by the office if you have the time. I know you're busy but we can always do lunch ya? Oh ya, look out for August issue of MWW. The photo is in the mag. ;-) Just in case you wanna know.
yaya will drop by office soon :) i will be off to Miri during the mid sem break to help lecturer. Heh how can I miss that MWW August issue. Now i can tell people I'd work with one of the MWW Awards nominee/winner ;)