As a result, I had to wait more than 40 minutes for Garlic Grilled Fish, Sizzling Chicken and Chicken Chop. Sien...Saturday crowd *rolls eyes* Okay nevermind, so I asked for another 2 bowls of mushroom soup and they ran out of soup! Ekkks!
While waiting, my parents and me chilled out a bit, ordered some drinks and chat. These fruit juices are priced at RM2.20 but for my parents's case, they mix carrot with apple (no sugar added) and it cost RM2.60 Nice combo. Naturally sweet but I still prefer the sharp tasting 'keat na sui boey' : ) Yupz, sharp, super sour, pungent calamansi lime smell and no sugar XD I doped mom for a sip and her face screwn up like the assam boey in my drink! Heh, ada omph! From our observation, we estimated they served more than hundreds of juices. 1000? If its true, the coffee shop will be earning a whopping RM2200 per night just serving juices O.o!
*tick tick tick* Took more than 40 minutes for the food to arrive...Since its a Saturday, you are forgiven...lolx.
I'd review this place for a few times but I thinked they deserve several mentions ;) Now that I'd tried the chicken chops of 6 places. I can say they have their own distinctive taste. I think Fettes Park had my vote. Its my personal choice tho. It's like a painting. The sauce is the background and chicken is the main subject. Voila, a dish with depth.
The sauce uses Worchestershire sauce, carrots, onion, celery and bay leaves. Yes I think the bay leaves carry a very important role in the sauce. It's not shouting it's presence in the sauce but rather blends all the ingredients together. Yeah, that's what I felt. I am not saying Alright's Western Food is not nice but the herbs overwhelmed the main subject which is the meat. Too complicated. I don't know. It's just not really there.
Hainan Western Food is a special one. Very flavourful and I really thought the sauce is similar to the crab sauce for the chilli crab! Bursting crab flavour when I had it for my 1st chicken chop. Probably prices shot up, the crab flavour reduced. The chicken chop is still tasty nevertheless. However, in the long run I will still stick to Fettes Park Western Food.
Other than that, it will remain as my top choice for western food because they allow me to omit the fries and bun! I think they are the only one who would do that. Well, they did it for every order I made. Love them to bits for that. Hehe there is also leng chai kor kor to fry your food and leng lui jie jie taking your orders. So why shouldn't I patronise their stall?
Actually there is some long winding story behind this stall but I guess I'll just leave it as a past. Important thing is most items from their menu is edible and good. I haven't try all so I can't say all are good.
But I know this Sizzling Chicken is yummylicious. lolx... I am not sure if it's the actually name. Everytime I order, I just mention the 'chicken on the hotplate' in Hokkien then she understands. Hahaha... Lovely brown sauce with perfect lightly charred chicken. Mom's favourite dish.
Happy drooling : )
Good crowd means good food rite? The chicken chop looks delicious..long time never have any chicken chop oledi.
precious pea: yupz yupz I lapped everything up like no tomorrow? hehehe *burp* opz...
Uncles aunties also joined the Saturday crowd eh? So happening :)
Looks like the wait was worth it, the chic chop looks real good!
jason: yeah very happening even ang moh also got! O.o
wmw: haha if not because nak jaga badan, i round 2 ady...lolz
They've moved?! I never know that, even I live near there. LOL. I always love the Chicken Gordon Blu.
nic: its chicken cordon bleu. I just knew they move last week as well.
whokay! This would be my next Western Food restaurant to visit haha!