Gosh another crazy week had just passed...This coming week, I am sooo dead. Normal situation for a uni student I would say. This is my last bottle.
I have been putting this product to test by sleeping at 5.30am for the whole week. Didn't intend to sleep that 'early' but assignments have to be done...

So there you have it, 6 bottles.
Verdict? Good stuff... really keep me awake without my eyes going dry and kept dark circles at bay despite looking at the laptop screen for more than 6 hours and sleep at 5.30am. Its doing its job well. More productive hours rather than feeling half dead over the night (or should I say morning?)
No beautiful-er eyes tho :S
Now problem is...should I get another pack? Precious Pea was contemplating to have the real thing or bottled ones. The fact is, we need to consume pounds of it to achieve a certain amount of the nutrient. Which I am 110% sure I wouldn't be able to do that. My wallet just wouldn't allow XD
Alternative? When I was small, I was given handfuls of wolf berry (kei chi) to be eaten as it is by an old uncle. Result? Clear, healthy, beautiful round bubly eyes :) Now? Nevermind about that :P
I am babling too much...back to work...
Happy reading :)
Wow, I guess you take a different sorta SIX-PACK from most guys... hahahah... But methinks I'd prolly have had an easier time during my uni days had I taken some of these instead of relying on copious amounts of kopi kaw... :P
Happy First Day of March, Jian! :D
Wah you susun on your laptop! Later kena calar le.. ;)
Adoidoi, why uni student so suffer, to the point we have to spend PTPTN loan on health food. Haha. The lecturers tend to give assignments that need 25hrs and a bottle of berry essence a day to complete
Hohoho if I had to take kopi kaw, I would be black in colour by now :S
Takpe takpe...sudah calar XD lolz...I think we humans are going to be evolved into a creature that doesnt have to sleep hahaha!
Wah with my late hours at work, I should consider trying this too! hehe.
Mmm...looks like I should try it for my vision enhancement!
lyrical lemongrass & wmw:
the word "sleep" has been deleted from my brain...What is sleep ah??hahaha :S I think i need to stop all these after everything ends...its ridiculous.