I sent an email to Brands and this is what they reply:
Thank you for your positive feedback.
We wish to inform that Berry Essence primary function is to help to nourish and protect your eyes, keep them fresh and bright all day long.It is made from an exclusive blend of premium, specially selected berries that includes blueberries, blackcurrants, cranberries and chokeberries from Europe which are rich in Beta-Carotene and Zinc that give your eyes the best norishment they need.
If you wish to keep yourself awake and stay alert, we would then recommend that you take our BRAND'S Essence of Chicken which had been scientifically proven and especially beneficial for overall well-being as follows :-
1. Able to reduce mental fatigue and thus improve mental concentration. It aslo helps to reduce anxiety and is helpful in stress management.
2. Helps to strengthen immune system and keep us in optimum health.
3. Increase energy and relieve fatigue.For your information, BRAND'S Essence of Chicken is 100% natural made from wholesome chicken and contains no fat, no cholesterol, no preservatives, no added MSG, no stimulants, no artificial colouring and flavouring. It is also sugar free and low in sodium.....
ahaha...I know they are good but I dislike the bitter-dunno-what-smell of the chicken essence. Which would you choose? Sweet smelling berry extract or bitter-dunno-what-smell chic essence?
Anyway obviously I'd abused the products. lolz...
Due to lack of judgement, I bought Prune Extract =.=" Bad choice...Doesn't serve much purpose...well...unless I constipate...heh But so far...takda sakit perut pun.

As you can see the liquid is brown in colour, taste wise, like prune of course but I don't like it. Yucks...

Today I manage to restock the Berry Essence after going almost 2 days without it. Bought 2 carton straightaway : ) What exam and assignment also tak payah takut...hehe

How should I describe my time table yesterday....er...the day before....er nevermind...
I woke up at 4pm on Sunday and worked my day through until the next day 7.30am.
Got up at 11.30am to print stuff (cycled to shop), went class 2pm to 5pm.
Then walked up and down hill to get to swimming pool carrying a 5kg laptop bag.
Swimming test ends at 7pm :P and return to the other side of the hill @.@ Test was on despite rain, goodness.
Felt sick so I downed a bottle. These are empty bottles. heh...1 prune many berries : )

Back to study...at least have to read 2 chapters before I sleep...Habis la saya.
Happy reading~
i wonder if UK has this...looks tasty..i assume..hehe
Princess D:
hahah i think if fly to UK ady dunno how much...you have plentiful of fresh ones dun want buy instead you wan the ready mades.
oh yeah...the berry is good if u like ribena. I pressume.
aiyoh overdose la!!..thats crazy..
I wanna nominate u as Brand's fruit essence ambassador liao.. hahaha
Never take any chicken essence before, so I dont know the taste. Wah... you treat it as your main meal!?
Wah haha you addicted to it liao eh? Drink so much :P
BTW, the PSDC is located right in front of Bayan Baru's fly over to N-Park.. the very big one in front of Pelita there.. that will pass Pesta..
I don't mind drawing you a map if you couldn't find it :)
Best of luck in your studies!
Ohh... I'm getting dizzy just looking at that many bottles... but whatever gets you through the days and nite of hard studying. Keep going! :D
Huiyoh....tak sangka this few post can create the hype XD
"joe" who is constantly craving:
I didn't drink all that sekaligus ler...
Hehehe not bad...Fruit Esen Ambasador. They should sponsor me la. Live sample. Prune esen worked. No constipate dah.
Erm...not main meal la...I did be dead if I only have that tiny bottle as a meal. But the prune essence is my breakfast tho. Tak sempat, lambat to class ady.
Haha no la no addict. Just that if no drink, I would be bed riden unconcious for 72 hours liao, sleeping that is :S
haha I have the boxes, empty bottles and unopened ones all over in my room. Desk, bed, shelf...lolz...thanx :) I will.
Hahaha...don't end up 'over-nourished'. Too many of good things also not good. Take care ok?
precious pea:
I think I am under nourished :S Those are replacement...I think...XD
hey effective bor?? i am thinking to try cuz ASSIGNMENTS alert!!!!
hahaha the extract dun make us alert. Not as effective as chicken esen. Just that I prefer the berry taste rather than gulping down a bottle of black black smelly benda.
Eyes no pain tho ( if consume the berry extract) even if u stay up late.
You don't feel ur eyes dry and 'shrinked' up.
hahaha the extract dun make us alert. Not as effective as chicken esen. Just that I prefer the berry taste rather than gulping down a bottle of black black smelly benda.
Eyes no pain tho ( if consume the berry extract) even if u stay up late.
You don't feel ur eyes dry and 'shrinked' up.
I really got to go and try these for my eyes :o)
haha wonder if Brands will sponsor my berry extracts for promoting their product in my blog lolz...