So many things happen between these few I got my hepatitis A&B jab, move to my temporary staying place at the middle of the night and start working at a web company ;) New experience but they all worked out fine. Just like the trip :) I finally get to take rides on LRT, KTM and monorail dengan sepuas-puasnya. Yipee! However, I still don't like them because they don't stop right infront/in the mall XD
Just by reaching Pudu Bus Terminal, me and another 2 friends sensed havoc. The bus did not even manage to squeeze into the terminal. All of us had to get down at the road side outside the bus terminal carrying our heavy bags all the way to Petaling Street which lucky us, is only 5 minutes away.
No pictures yet at this point. With our bags at hand, I don't think its the right time :S All I manage to snap was Koon Kee char siew. You know what? I won't be visiting that shop again. I have a feeling he 'slaughtered' us. Enough said, ish.
Next thing was checking into Swiss Inn Hotel. The hotel was better than what I expected. Our room was spacious enough to fit in 3 of us. We combined the 2 single beds of course. Each of us paid RM130 nett but I never regretted staying in hotel. Trust me warm shower, chilly aircon and a plushy pillow are all we need after a day of walking, shopping, eating and squeezing in lrts.
On the way to the hotel, we spotted...
Yeah saw the review of the "wrapped duck feet" from Babe in the City if not mistaken. Hands were sticky when holding it, so unable to take a picture of the feet XD. The taste was good but just imagine chewing on the hard cold marinated bbq duck feet (bones still intact) with hard duck gizzard, tiny piece rubber duck meat and a super thin slice of pork bacon wrapped around all the ingredients, holding them together. I guess its not meant for on-the-spot makan.
After settling down, we decided to stroll around Bukit Bintang before hitting the pasar malam. Would you believe that our first stop is a pasar malam? Would it be too much to say we came all the way from Penang to visit this (some boast 3km long) vibrant night market? Too bad it drizzled a little so the length was cut half :S
Nevertheless, the stalls never cut half their supply!
Yay! Red bean "Put Chai Kou" (steamed red bean rice flour pudding)! Opz...not the white ones...I meant the red and green round things at the lower left corner XD The abundant white stuff is Chai Kueh where their usual stuffing is either mengkuang or kuchai but I have no idea why there are so many here :P
Still boring? Maybe something cute will save the day...
Yeah Doraemon! It's so eggy delicious. Not overly sweet, warm, cudly soft. We bit his head of before it couldn't even say "ang ang ang"! XD
I saw the sign board stating "Chinese Hamburger". I was like "What?" and as I got closer to the stall I gasp. I said to myself... "MUST TRY Item" So I got 2 and shared among 4 of us.
If the video wasn't clear, the burger actually consists of an egg layer topped with precooked minced pork and finished off with a layer of flour mixture. The burger will be turned once so both sides are seared.The burger turns out to be just ok but the egg layer is fragrant tho. The burger was super hot and luckily I brought disposable chopsticks along. Satay burger anyone?
All of us got tired of walking eventually and stopped at the soy drink van that sells tong yuen with soy beancurd...(Hope durianberry will post about it :P pictures with her) I ordered a bowl immediately I saw it. Thats when my phone start making sounds.
*Look at the phone*
Me: Sh_t! Hepatitis jab appointment! =.=" ...and I am all the way down south...
I set the note there half a year ago thinking I won't be going anywhere so the reminder came in a day before the actual day. Thank god, the jab can be taken anytime within the week, else my RM260 all go to drain :S
Besides, fun and colourful food, this market also sells vegetables, fruits, fruit juices and live frogs :) Yeah those slimy croaking creatures that could end up in a pot of delicious porridge.
Those bull frogs are damn plump which spells great porridge!
Not a bad pasar malam rite? How exactly one get there? Forget about bus. We missed buses because they changed their routes and we did not know about it. Ish...Wasted about 1.5 hours. Take a cab there instead. Again becareful else will kena 'chop' by them. Cabs that follow meter would charge about RM4.30 and non meterred cab will be RM5. Other than that, skip it. Ughh...KL...
Happy reading!
hey there! oh ... I was down in KL last wkend as well. met up wif jason,wmw and teckiee. it was half work-half food tour thingy. :)
be glad to bump into you next time! in KL or PG also can...
WHOAAA!! nice blog!!!
This is the first time in my life seeing so many types of kuih!! Oh Gosh... hahahaha! I never get a chance to see that many kuih in Kuching, i guess the population speaks... hence the volume of production... hahahaha!!!
Pity your little doreamon larrr.. hahaha.. next time let it says "ang ang ang" first.... :)
It's a nice food blog... :) I'm always in search of a good food blog....
keep it up!!! :)
halo halo :) wah u get to meet them. haha i met the other half of the group. lolz...can can...i usm long as u have car we can go makan makan.
It's my first time also...But I always thought Kuching and Sabah's pasar are one of the best around. hahaha will eat my best ;)
The potato chips stall not open? The Sze Ngan Chye stall actually also sells roast duck, provided you go there early :)
the chips open but photo not with me. I think its taste normal tho. Just that the chips is actually a whole potato. lolz...Actually regardless wat time I pass by the sze ngan chye, they have roast duck need early la..i remember 1st day reach there the time ady 1 sumthing. Almost 3pm pass by again, got roast duck wat.
Satay burger? That's definitely a first for me... And yummy frog porridge... you're making drool here. Must. Find. Weekend. Pasar. Malam. Like. Really. Fast.
Ohohoho actually its called Chinese Burger but its to hot for us to hold so we cucuk it like satay style :)
Frog porridge? No one selling unless you planning to get some and cook at home. Have you check out the video? *grin*
I still remember how the duck feet and that rubbery part taste like in my mouth. Eeee~! Eh what are you doing with that pic of me.. hahaha ;D Like Sin Chan drawing