*Other posts about Jade Palace Seafood Restaurant are available here and here.
*Click here to read about Food Paradise's visit to Jade Garden Seafood Restaurant at Sungai Petani, Kedah.
I am back! I'd been going around like a mad person lately...although mad, makan sessions will still be on. And sorry to fellow readers for ditching the blog just like that without notice :P
Will be leaving for Sarawak for almost a week. A day in Kuching and the rest will be spent in Miri facilitating students :S Yes...I am helping the lecturer out on some project. Hahaha so excited! Another Malaysian state marked and its an all expense paid trip! Kolo Mee, Laksa Sarawak and Kuching Festival here I come ~ :)
Speaking of festival, another important date for this month is my grandpa's birthday. Okay, I admit this post came pretty late (dinner was on 3rd August) but at least I am posting this within August. Better late than never so to speak XD
Although 81 years old, he only wished for a simple family gathering. Well, he didn't say simple dinner *grin*...
Four Seasons (四热洴盘 ,RM70) consisting
Money Bag (金錢满袋),
Jellyfish with Octopus (海蜇日本墨鱼),
Stuffed BBQ Chicken Wings (烤鸡翅) and
Mini Abalone Stuffed with Fish Paste (攘包贝) was never to be missed.
Shark fin soup (蟹肉鱼翅, RM100). Great job in picking out the crab meat! Definitely a rare sight. Hehe
LOL This is a method on how to judge a good bowl of shark fin soup. It speaks for it self right?
Next came the superior broth Yat Pun Wor ( 一品呙). Everyone has 1 mini pot of this rich soup. It's a sad thing that price increase has taken toll on this soup. The ingredients used to be in larger pieces. By the way, each mini pot sells at RM26.
Part of the soup's ingredient is a chunk of terrapin meat (水鱼). Rich soup, rich with collagen. Perfect.
Served next is huge slabs of Steamed Cod Fish (清蒸雪鱼, RM84, RM28 per slice). As usual we sapu habis this plate.
As if terrapin skin collagen and fish skin collagen is not enough, we added in pig skin collagen. Hahaha! It's Braised Pork Knuckle with Chestnuts and Mushroom (家乡猪手,RM45)to be dipped with fried mantou....
We finally realized that we went overboard with collagen :P so we throw in some Stir Fried 'Lai Bak' with Wolfberries (枸杞清炒奶白,RM18).
Its crazy to even think all those dishes are not enough to feed us all 10 people. Yet we still shove in this Jade Palace Fried Noodle (玉宫招牌炒面,RM20). Slather some sambal belacan and what's another 2 bowls eh?
Everyone likes a sweet ending and this includes us. One of my favorite dessert, hot Water Chestnut Cream with Silver Fungus (雪洱马蹄露,RM20).
Yup, egg whites are added in to enhance the smooth slipping down the throat effect. Ah so soothing~
This dish below came with the sweet broth. It's Fried Water Chestnut Cake (龙鬍马蹄糕,RM8). Would be great if they tone down the cake's sweetness.

Last but not least, it ain't birthday bash if there is no birthday wishes. My little cousin bro, Ivan was the best candidate to wish my grandpa Happy Birthday. Awwww...
Happy birthday grandpa! Wishing you a healthier future and more dinners like this! Hehe luckily he doesn't read blogs, else he will slap me :S

Business hours:
12.00 noon - 3pm
6pm - 10.30pm
Jade Palace Seafood Restaurant
Choo Plaza (Formerly known as Wisma Chocolate)
3rd Floor, 41, Lorong Abu Siti, 10400 Penang.
Tel: 04-2275758 / 2275759
Fax: 2275755
View Larger Map
*Other posts about Jade Palace Seafood Restaurant are available here and here.
Happy reading~
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wah .. what a bash. bet everyone's concentrating on the food, rather on your grandpa. =P
the cod fish looks plump, and delicious. terrapin meat in soup?hmmm, rarely heard of.
hahaha yalo yalo...oh rare to have terrapin meat in soup? I thought they are widely used in herbal soup?
Your cousin so big ady! Wah very de handsem lo :D
At 81 ur ah kong still can eat like a happy man without much worries about cholesterol, etc etc.
Happy Bday to ur grandpa!
hahaha ya ya that day me and my aunty were discussing if he will grow up into beautiful boy or macho man XD
haha well actually...most of the cholestrol food di sapu oleh the rest of the family...hahaha
I noticed this meal has got lots of soup based dish but all also such a killer! Eh, not high cholesterol for your grandpa ar??
Welcome back.
Happy Belated Birthday to your grandpa ^^
Terrapin ah... I dun think Ipoh serves that at usual restaurants.
And your cousin's cute lah!
Hey, welcome back. So, have you started your food marathon?
precious pea: once a while ok la...he likes the soup tho...
not sure abt tht..sure la...everyone loves him
What a sumptuous feast! All that collagen. All that yumminess. Must recommend this place for my Grandma's birthday dinner next year then. Of course, we are politically correct - well, some of us anyway, and we won't partake in sharks fin & terrapin. ;-) The rest we will devour. We often go to Starview. It's THE place for 8-course chinese dinners for the Goon family anyway.
oh one of my cousin also do not consume sharks fin. But as far as I know, most of the terrapin available in the market is locally reared.
Hahaha Jade Palace is THE place for my family even before I was born XD All my aunties and uncles had their wedding dinner there...so go figure.